Talking to Strangers Project

The fundamental purpose of this collection is to provide a space for individuals to define themselves and share their experiences on their own terms. The quotes attached to each portrait are brief excerpts from conversations that ranged from twenty minutes to five hours. The project is comprised of a total of 100 portraits and interviews taken between 2014 and 2018.

I began this project in response to the way in which mass media disseminates one-dimensional stereotypes about people through a combination of pictures and stories. I wanted to use those same mediums to do the opposite; to provide a space, however small, to highlight and celebrate the true and undeniable complexity that is a human life.

If the reasons we unconsciously absorb and accept stereotypes are to assuage our fears of mortality and make sense of the world, genuine human connection is arguably a more effective way to meet those same needs. Learning about how another human being has experienced life, grown through adversity, fallen madly in love with someone—that stays with you. We are all hungry to know not only how to survive, but how to live.

By honoring each individual I draw, I honor the viewer. I trust the power all humans have to deeply recognize one another, a power that has been veiled by pervasive distorted representations in the media and in society overall. I started this project believing; I ended this project knowing.

I am a collection of stories; we all are. It is my life's work to create ways for other people and myself to communicate how we have lived those stories, rejected, repressed and misunderstood those stories, and worked to re-conceptualize those stories, in a way that is resonant and useful. We have more to offer one another than we can ever fully understand.